Block Delete: It’s Not You, It’s Them
“Block Delete" by Producer Clamor, Fidel Rayd, Joefes, and Harrycraze is a catchy tune where the artists encourage listeners to leave behind all the nonsense and negativity by blocking and deleting certain people from their lives. They specifically call out those "parasite people" who engage in backbiting, contribute little during outings, and talk nonsense.
Fidel Rayd has been teasing the track online, and fans have already jumped on the Block Delete TikTok trend. The lyric video on YouTube has also gained attention from fans and critics alike, with many requesting the release of the full song.
With all the excitement surrounding this fun track, we can't wait for Producer Clamor and the talented rappers to bless us with the visuals and audio for this amazing song. It's sure to have everyone singing along and feeling empowered to remove negativity from their lives!
Block Delete
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