Teslah And Ndovu Kuu Explore Romanticism Through New Track ‘Hubby’

Teslah's brand new single "Hubby" is an energetic number for her which sits comfortably within the mainstream Afropop movement. Driven by a most vibrating synth and on-point beats from Vic West, the track is filled with charm and romantic allusion as the duo, Teslah and Ndovu Kuu, plead to love and commit to their romantic partners. 

Teslah and Ndovu Kuu try to single out a norm that in love- especially between young people- one should be ready to commit to the other and vice versa for the couple to live happily without insecurities. 

Of course, the lyrics are on point. Ndovu Kuu himself is a very talented rapper and lyricist. While Teslah is charming with song hooks and making songs very memorable by incorporating amazing lyrics into the song. The two are surely compatible. 

Be sure to check out "Hubby's" audio on all digital platforms and follow the artists' socials for more updates on the song's video. Cheers!

