Pesa Ndogo By Exray Taniua & Mejja; A Beat That Will Drive You To Get Money

Exray’s still trending at number 11 for music on YouTube with his 13 old song, Pesa Ndogo featuring Mejja. 

Like it or not, money makes the world go round.

And although it shouldn’t be the most important thing in someone’s life, money certainly brings enjoyment, freedom and security.

This is definitely the best song about bragging and boasting once you get a little money or so. It depicts the essence of living life to the fullest and forgetting your worries or what haters would say, and we can all identify to it. 

The song has since garnered 420K streams and counting on YouTube and it is also on repeat on airplay. It has also attracted a good number of TikTok challenges from fans pushing the song to trend further. The comical challenges are worth watching and laughing at. From children, youths, older people to the artists themselves, the Pesa Ndogo challenge is exhilarating. 

Stream ‘Pesa Ndogo’ by Exray and Mejja online and do share your views on the song. Cheers!

Pesa Ndogo by Exray Taniua
