Zimeripoti Kwa Club!!!

The “What if” stands between gengetone artist Odi Wa Murang’a and Kenyan clown cum youth activist Eric Omondi after a weekend of events. 

Odi Wa Murang’a and Eric Omondi took to Instagram clashing over an incident which took place at the Mi Amor Lounge in Lang’ata.

The comedian accused the artist of lying about what went down at the club after Odi Wa Murang’a claimed that he was sexually harassed and mishandled by bouncers at the city nightclub. 

There’s two sides of the coin in every rumor or story. We shouldn’t be too quick to judge without delving deep into both sides. In Odi Wa Murang’a’s defense, we have neglected the boychild for so long such that we have become deaf and blind to the cries and grievances. It is time to step forward and listen.
